I haven't been on here for some time. I could use the excuse that life got in the way or I haven't had anything to write about, but that would be a lie. I just got LAZY. Thinking I had nothing to say. I have realized that this blog has given me something that is mine. Something that gives me a small break from my very energetic 2-year-old. Some place to just write or vent about anything that is on my mind. With so much going on the next few months, I can't wait to share it with others.

So what's all going on the next few months? Well, our 2-year-old will be turning 3 Saturday! Yep, 3! It's so crazy how time flys. This year he is so excited for his birthday. I think he is realizing that it is a special day just to celebrate him. But I think he is more excited about the cake because every time we ask him what he wants for his birthday he tells us cake. Who needs toys when you can have cake, right?
What else is going on? I'm super excited to go to my first concert in years with a great friend on Wednesday. We are going to see Luke Bryan, you can be jealous now! I'm really looking forward to having a night out. Don't worry I'm hoping to get some good pics on my phone as we have VIP tickets! Other things in the works are lots of holiday fun with family and friends and we are also working a planning a family vacation, which I think we are in need of.

So for now that's I have. I hope you are happy to be back reading this as I am happy to be back writing.