Monday, April 13, 2015

Yes, That Was My Child

To the people in the grocery store who give looks at the parent of a screaming child.

Yep, I was the one getting those looks last week.

While doing our grocery shopping Colt loves to walk next to me and hold my hand.  Normally this is fine but that day the cart was a little to heavy to push with one hand while trying to contain him.  He eventually got put into the cart which was followed by screaming.  Not just your normal screaming but high pitched this women is hurting me scream (how embarrassing).

So while trying to finish up my shopping and trying to remember everything on my list I noticed all the looks I was getting from people.  Really people you have never seen a toddler who wasn't getting their way?  Believe me, I tried everything to make him happy.  I tried giving him gummies, grapes, blueberries, taking him to see the fish, anything to stop him from screaming just so we could make it through the store but nothing worked.  So my last resort was to just ignore him!

Need less to say he didn't stop the screaming and the looks didn't stop either.  At one point I looked right at someone giving me "the look" and said that it isn't polite to give a mother a look like that, you have no idea what her day has been like.  I know I probably should have kept my mouth shut and kept walking but come on!  Yes, I could have walked out of the store and left the cart there but then I would have had to go back and do it all over again the next day and who's to say that it would have been any better.  So we finished the shopping.  Nobody was hurt by my screaming child, my child was fine, he just wasn't getting his way (the Terrible Two's are here).

So to the people giving "the look" to parents with a screaming child, maybe try giving that parent a warm smile and say it has happened to all parents.  You might just make that parent's day a little better and not make them feel like they are being a bad parent.


  1. My sympathies. I don't have kids but I was always feel for parents who are trying to get their shopping done and don't get a chance to focus. I think you did the right thing! You do you!

  2. Ugh that sounds awful. I don't have kids but I always feel bad for the moms pushing around the screaming kids.
