Wednesday, May 13, 2015


So I've been consciously been trying to make better choices.  I'm a soda fan so to totally cut out soda might just make me a very unpleasant person.  So I have cut myself back to one soda a day, so far so good!  I'm trying not to eat a lot of processed foods.  Which means I'm cooking more, which is fine by me as I love to cook.  I'm forcing myself to get up and use my elliptical for something other than collecting dust.

Today I think I did well.  I went out to lunch with a friend today and instead of ordering my usual soda I got water.  Plain ice cold water and it was good.  To go along with that water I ordered a salad! I use to hate salad but now I love it.  In fact, when I was pregnant I always craved a salad bar and grapes.  For dinner I had a piece of chicken with some mashed potatoes and for a snack I had some popcorn.  Now my popcorn wasn't any boring type, I'm a movie theater popcorn type of girl and I don't plan on changing that.

As for using my elliptical that is getting done too.  I got on it for the first time in months the other day.  After being on if for 10 minutes my legs felt like jelly.  So I have set up a schedule.  For the first week I'm getting on it for 10 minutes a day.  The following week I'll bump it up to 15 minutes then 20 minutes and just keep moving it up every week.  Today I didn't get on it, but I did get out and walked around for awhile and played outside with Colt.

So I think I'm doing good so far.  I'm hoping by writing about it I will be motivated to stay with it.


  1. Wow these are so many great changes!! And for the exercise - too much too fast and you'll hate it. It's best to ease onto it for sure, and going for walks if you don't feel like it will still keep you moving. Keep up the good work! This is awesome!

  2. Good for you! You can only do your best, so keep doing what your are doing. I cut out soda a few years ago and you wouldn't believe the difference it makes.

    1. Thanks. That's what everyone has said about soda.

  3. Is it weird that now I'm hungry after reading this?
