I can't believe it has been 3 years since our little man joined us in this world. He is incredibly energetic, runs and jumps on everything and is loving learning how to write. He hates getting in trouble but is still learning that it is his actions that are getting him in trouble. He is enjoying helping us cook whenever either one of us is in the kitchen. He is trying to be very independent by not holding our hands when we are in a parking lot or crossing the street and you can forget about him sitting in the grocery cart, thankfully our local grocery store has kid-size carts that he loves to push.

His theme for his party was construction as he loves any kind of work vehicles. He was so excited for his birthday this year that the birthday banner I had made was put up at the beginning of the week and whenever we had asked him what he wanted for his birthday all he wanted was CAKE!

We ended up having a small party with just family, so much easier than last year! Colt wasn't too excited about most of his gifts as they were clothes, but this mommy was very excited as we needed some items before it starts getting too cold. He did get some toys which, of course, had to be opened as soon as he unwrapped them. He also got a fish tank, which was okayed through his mom and dad. This year he didn't scream and cry when it was time for the cake. As soon as we started singing to him he got really excited and even blew out his candles.
It was a great day and I'm sure he will enjoy all of his upcoming birthdays.