I have started a new adventure! I have become a Travel Agent! Seeing how we love to travel and I enjoy helping others find the best deal for their budget it seemed liked the perfect fit.
Picking the best host site was a few months of research, but I ended up going thru KHM Travel. They had the best reviews and all the help and training they provide are amazing. I got to choose my own travel company name, DRJ Vacations which my clients are able to look up travel at their own time and once I passed my final assessment I was invited to join an agent only facebook page for extra help from other agents. You can also visit my facebook page to watch for upcoming deals on cruises and all inclusive vacations.

To say we are excited is an understatement!
So if you are in need of some travel assistants I would be glad to help you. Feel free to email me at drjvacations@gmail.com.