Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Zoo Trip

Took Colt to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo today for the first time this season.  He decided to walk and didn't want his stroller (will be taking the stroller next time).  We didn't make it through the whole zoo, but we still had a great time and plan on going back this Friday.  Sorry for all the pictures but we had so much fun.
Checking out the  water fountain.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Need a Change

Lately I've been thinking about making some changes.  By changes I mean health changes.  I'm not one for diet's.  I hate the thought of giving up foods I love.  I hate exercising.  So how does one get back in shape and make healthy changes when one loves pasta, pizza, Oreo's, cake and the list goes on and on.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


As I am sitting outside of Colts speech therapy appointment I get to listen in and it has been a rough day at speech.  He loves going to see his speech therapist and normally enjoys his 45 minutes with her.  Today was not that day!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sleeping With a Tornado

There has been a "tornado" in my bed!!!  

Okay to give you a little background.  My husband is gone during the week for work and when he is home on the weekends all our son Colt wants to do is spend all the time he can with his daddy.  During the week our son sleeps in his bed.  He goes to bed without any problems and loves to sleep in his bed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


What Makes Me Happy
Watching our son grow and learn everyday!  I love the way he is always happy to see his daddy after daddy has been gone for a week working.  It makes me a very happy mom that our son LOVES to learn.  He loves it so much that he knows his ABC's, 123's, shapes, colors and can even read easy books all at the age of 2 1/2.  It makes me happy that he loves his fruits and veggies, but we will see how long that last. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Yes, That Was My Child

To the people in the grocery store who give looks at the parent of a screaming child.

Yep, I was the one getting those looks last week.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Potty Training

Lately I've been thinking about potty training my son, I have thought about it before but he was too young and wasn't talking much.  Now at 2 1/2 years old I believe it is time to start.  I have been given so much advice about how to potty train my toddler.  They will let you know when they are ready, start a schedule, let him run around in the back yard naked, these are just a few ideas I have been given.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Ugh, Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year when everyone starts getting Old Man Winter out of the house.  Some people really enjoy it but not this girl! Maybe if the weather was a little nicer where I could open up a window or two and listen to the birds and enjoy the fresh spring air coming through the windows.  I don't think that's going to happen as I'm working on my cleaning this week and they are calling for rain ALL week.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Oh, To Be A Kid

With the GREAT weather today I decided it was time to get out of the house and enjoy the sun!  After my son's speech therapy we came home and had lunch then went out to the park.  We spent more then an hour there swinging, going down slides and saying hi to every kid that came close to him.  He then decided that it was a good idea to go up and down the steps with muddy shoes.